Our friends at the Crooked Creek Pistol League are hosting an NROI Class.
The class has been set for the weekend of November 5-6, 2016.
The instructor is Paul Hernandez.
You must be a USPSA member to attend the class. You can join or renew at the class, online or at our match.
Remember, if you join/renew USPSA at the match, your first entry is free.
Please fill out the Seminar Application and return it with a check made out to Crooked Creek Pistol League for $40 to:
Crooked Creek Pistol League
PO BOX 275
PERRY OH 44081-0275
by Friday, October 14, 2016
Lunch will be provided on Saturday.
You will need your shooting gear on Sunday as there will be a one stage RO match.
Contact Bud Connolly at 440-259-3512 or stats_Bud@practicalpistol.net for more information.
Application Link: http://www.practicalpistol.net/Documents/NROI%20SEMINAR%20L1%20APPLICATION.pdf