Zombie Match PMSC


Zombie Apocalypse 8 happens in a little over a month!

I’d given last year’s participants a two-week jump in registration relative to other shooters and now registration is open to all.  I’d not done much advertising of the match with the expectation that the match would easily fill up with last year’s shooters and a few new shooters, however, with many slots unclaimed as of this past weekend I advertised at the Western PA Sectional and expect that many new shooters will be sending applications.  In a week or so, if the match is not close to being filled up, I’ll increase my efforts to bring in new shooters.

50 of 120 possible spots in the match have been claimed.  As usual, Saturday is filling up fast, Friday is filling up, and Thursday is wide open.

Get your applications/checks in as soon as possible to reserve your spot.  We are limited to 5 squads of 8 shooters on all three nights of the match and cannot stretch beyond that because of time constraints.

This year, shooters are squadding themselves after I receive and process their application (which happens the same day I receive it).  If you try to squad and cannot fit into the squad you hope to be on please email me – I will do what I can to move shooters around manually in order to get shooters into the squads they hope to be in.

Thank you!
Download Form Zombie Apoc 8 InfoApplication