April Matches


Matches This Month:

4/7 –  Holidaysburg

4/8 – Gem City
4 Challenging Stages
Maybe 5 depending on help at set up
Volunteers are welcome and will receive a discount on there first gun
Set up is Saturday Morning at 7:15 am

4/8 – Pardoe

4/8 – PMSC  
Six stages, to include a classifier.  First shots at 9:00 a.m. and second gun to follow .  The fees will be $20.00 and $10.00 if you choose to stay and shoot in the afternoon,  Round count is 122

4/8 – Castlewood – Static Steel Match
Register online here (open til 5pm night before match):

4/14 LCSA
Registration is open at https://practiscore.com/lcsa-uspsa-april-2018-clone/register.  Self-Squadding is available online.  Due to circumstances outside of my control, I will  CLOSE ONLINE SQUADING ON WEDNESDAY.  SO SIGNUP NOW!!

Signup will begin at 8:15 a.m. with first shot at 9:00 a.m. Second gun will begin approximately 12:00. First gun $20.00; Second gun $10.00.
Six stages and a classifier.
Round count is 156.
There will be a MANDATORY new shooters meeting at 8:45 a.m., along with a Match Briefing directly following and prior to any shooting commencing.

PCC’s are to be FLAGGED and they must be bagged and unbagged or retrieved from a cart facing a berm; no site pictures or lowering of the muzzle to turn on optics at berm, only at a safe table. PCC’s must be carried vertically at all times; we prefer MUZZLE UP.

4/15 – Clairton
Signup will begin at 8:15 a.m. with first shot at 9:00 a.m.
5 Stages + Classifier


4/22  East Huntingdon

4/28 Castlewood