The 2017 Section Championship match registration link below.
We will be running 8 stages plus chrono with a round count near 250 plus.
This is a Trophy match with a double blind draw for sponsor provided items.
Lunch and Match shirt will also be provided.
Visit the WPA Section Page for Sponsor list, match details and the Match Book once it becomes available.
NO REFUNDS AFTER or Tee-Shirts after JULY 1st
You will receive an email, once your registration is approved. You have 30 days to send in your check to keep your slot.
NOTE: Any bank fees associated to bad checks will be charged to the shooter!
Make checks payable to: Clairton Sportsmen’s
Mail to: Stan Pankala 1350 Snee Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Match Fee: $85 for adults and $50 for Juniors
If you are intending to work as Staff, Shooting in a Match Sponsor Slot please indicate it in the form.