Clairton Steel Matches

steel chlng


Clairton Steel Matches


Fun Match – Through Winter

Nov. 21, Dec. 12, Jan. 16, Feb 20

Cost $10.00 per gun juniors 18 and under are free

Low ready start
All pistol calibers
22 pistol and rifle
Red dot or open sights
4 stages 100 rounds
4 stages of 5 plates you shoot
Each stage 5 times and throw out the worst one
5 mags if possible

Start Time 11:00 A.M
We will follow all-steel challenge safety rules

Gun categories
Rimfire pistol open             Rimfire iron sights

Rimfire rifle open         Rimfire rifle open iron sights

Pistol caliber carbine open           Pistol caliber iron sights

Open               Limited

Single stack             Regular optic and iron sights          Production

Please make sure all guns are bagged when you come to the range

Any questions:

You can go to

Text/Call Kevin at 412-992-6803
Or email