If you have seen the USPSA Action pistol match on TV, or have heard about it at a local range and have some interest in finding out more information about this shooting sport or you’re tied of going to the range and standing in one spot poking holes in to paper with no validation of […]
2017 CZ-USA Iron Sight Nationals

2017 CZ-USA Iron Sight Nationals September 27 – October 1|$270 There are slots available but we are running out of time, Slot Registrations must be completed BEFORE June 15th, 2017 If you are interested in going contact your local Match Director to get your slot!
Welcome Tyler Coke as New MD at Hollidaysburg!

Tyler has taken the Match Director job at Hollidaysburg. I think he will do a great job please make sure and thank him as well as ask how you can help out. MD can always use the help with setup and take-down! Thank you Dan Burwell for your many years of work and dedication […]
USPSA New Competitor Orientation Class
The East Huntingdon Practical Shooters will once again host a USPSA new competitor orientation class. The class will be held at the East Huntingdon Sportsmen’s Association near Alverton, PA on Saturday March 25, 2017. This is an excellent way to learn about and experience USPSA action shooting. There is no better way to get started […]
Welcome New MD at LCSA

I want to let everyone know we have a new Match Director at LCSA…. Ray Donch! Ray is excited to get the season started and as MD has a vision to make LCSA matches, one of the best matches in the area. Lets help Ray vision come to fruition! e-mail rodman4951@aol.com

2017 SCC Please do not send applications before 04/1/17 2017 STEEL CITY CHAMPIONSHIP 2017 STEEL CITY CHAMPIONSHIP Start spreading the news! May 20 & 21!!! 2017 Steel City Championship (SCC) will be earlier this year, May 20, 21. Mark these dates! This will enable us to have a regular USPSA match in June. ½ day […]
Western Pa Section Championship Match Registration Open

The 2017 Section Championship match registration link below. https://practiscore.com/2017-western-pa-section-championship/register We will be running 8 stages plus chrono with a round count near 250 plus. This is a Trophy match with a double blind draw for sponsor provided items. Lunch and Match shirt will also be provided. Visit the WPA Section Page for Sponsor list, match […]
LCSA Action Pistol would like to invite you to Shoot-The_Bull !

LCSA Action Pistol would like to invite you to Shoot-The_Bull ! with us on Friday , January 27 at 7 pm. We’d like to have a quick discussion of plans for action pistol this year and we’ll have pizza, pop, and dessert to fill up the empty spot! Please share with your shooting friends !! […]
LCSA Steel Challenge Saturday!

Lawrence County Sportsmens will host a Steel Challenge match Saturday Jan. 21 This will be a 3 Stage winter match. Sign-in starts at 8 shooting will start when nooks and squading has finished.